
Managed SIEM Services

Managed SIEM Services Offer Relief from Mounting Cyber Threats

Hybrid and remote workforces, accelerated cloud usage and interconnected supply chains all help modern organizations become more agile and responsive, but there’s a price to be paid.

Combining Network and Endpoint Security in a Defense-in-Depth Strategy

Combining Network and Endpoint Security in a Defense-in-Depth Strategy

Hybrid and remote workforces, accelerated cloud usage and interconnected supply chains all help modern organizations become more agile and responsive, but there’s a price to be paid.

Closing the Security Skills Gap with Managed Security Services

Closing the Security Skills Gap with Managed Security Services

Cybercrime has evolved into a full-blown existential threat, creating financial and operational burdens that many organizations simply cannot overcome.

Evolving Threats Require New Emphasis on Email Security

Evolving Threats Require New Emphasis on Email Security

The total volume of email-borne phishing campaigns has more than doubled over the past three years, with nearly 90 percent of organizations experiencing data breaches as a result. Analysts warn that an elaborate new technique may allow malicious actors to get their hooks into even more prey.

Deadly Hacks and Other Cybersecurity Predictions from Gartner

Deadly Hacks and Other Cybersecurity Predictions from Gartner

On Feb. 5, 2021, a hacker accessed computer systems at the Oldsmar, FL, water treatment facility and raised the level of sodium hydroxide (lye) in the water to more than 100 times the normal level. Fortunately, an alert employee noticed the change and reversed it before there was any adverse effect.

Get In Touch

310 Laser Lane
Lafayette, Louisiana 70507
Office Hours: Monday - Friday
8 a.m. - 5p.m.
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24 / 7 / 365 Support

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staff are available by
phone 24 hours a day.

Phone: 888-435-7986

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