Utilize the Power of the Cloud, while Maintaining Control Over Your IT
The GDS Private Cloud gives you secured control over your IT resources, accessing and storing your data wherever and whenever.
- Increased cloud flexibility
- Pay for space, not hardware
- Around the clock managed by 24/7/365 NOC

Problems It Solves
- High cost and complexity of building out a private cloud
- Security and privacy concerns associated with the public cloud
- Capital tied up in depreciating equipment
- Limited flexibility of the traditional IT environment
- Lack of cloud management expertise
While public cloud services deliver key business benefits, it’s not possible to move every application to the public cloud. That’s why many organizations are adopting a hybrid model that incorporates both public and private cloud environments. A private cloud enables organizations to tap the value of the cloud while maintaining control over IT resources.
GDS offers a hosted solution that eliminates the capital costs and complexity associated with building out a private cloud. We provide a private, single-tenant environment that you consume as an operational expense. The solution is hosted in our enterprise-class data centers for maximum performance, security and resilience.
The service can be scaled up or down to meet your changing requirements without the need to purchase hardware. It’s fully maintained and supported by the experts at GDS, freeing your IT team from managing your private cloud.
Let us simplify your Private Cloud Solution Today.
GDS Private Cloud enables you to:
Gain cloud flexibility and efficiency
Tap the knowledge of cloud experts
who will design, implement, manage and support your private cloud environment. GDS will help you identify workloads to move to the private cloud and plan the migration to minimize business disruption.
Eliminate the need to overprovision hardware
Ensure optimum levels of performance, availability and security
Maximize resilience
as we will host your primary environment in our Highly Available (HA) private cloud infrastructure in our Lafayette Data Center.