
Law Enforcement Ransomware

Ransomware Brings Unique Risks to Law Enforcement Agencies

Many security experts agree that ransomware is the greatest cybersecurity threat organizations face today. Ransomware attacks nearly doubled in the first half of 2021, compared to 2020. In a recent Sophos survey, 37 percent of respondents said they were affected by ransomware in the past year. The National Security Institute estimates that the average ransom demand is now $200,000, compared to $5,000 in 2018.

Cyber Security Automation Is Essential

Security Automation Is Essential, But So Are Human Experts

Data breaches continue to skyrocket. According to the 2021 Mid Year Data Breach QuickView report from Risk Based Security, there were 1,767 data breaches in the first half of this year, exposing almost 19 billion records. The severity of breaches is also increasing, with two incidents exposing more than 1 billion records.

How boards can prepare for cybersecurity threats

Cybersecurity Should Be on the Agenda of Every Board of Directors

Cybersecurity is one of the most significant business challenges that organizations face today. The Center for Strategic and International Studies reports that global business losses from cybercrime reached nearly $1 trillion in 2020, almost double the previous year’s losses. Cybersecurity is a risk management issue that requires board-level oversight.

Microsoft Print Nightmare

PrintNightmare Vulnerability Reveals the Challenges of Patch Management

In its June 2021 “Patch Tuesday” release, Microsoft addressed a local privilege escalation weakness in the Windows Print Spooler service. However, researchers soon found a more serious vulnerability in the service — a remote code execution attack called PrintNightmare. Microsoft issued an out-of-band patch to fix this vulnerability, and urged administrators to apply it immediately.

Data Center Certification Types: SSAE 16, SOC 2 Type 2

Data Center Certifications Show Commitment to Security and Compliance

Managing and maintaining an on-premises data center comes with costs and challenges that often divert resources from business-enabling initiatives. In light of that, many organizations are looking to get out of the data center business by moving IT infrastructure offsite. By utilizing the services of a co-location facility, organizations can reduce overhead and improve the reliability of their IT environment.

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