
Incident Response Plays a Key Role in Effective Cybersecurity

Experts say that a security breach is virtually inevitable — that it’s a matter of “when” not “if.” However, rapid detection and response to a security incident can greatly reduce its impact, as GDS proved recently when it stopped a ransomware attack.

Your IT Company Can’t Protect You If It Can’t Protect Itself

Earlier this year, an attack was carried out against IT service providers. This attack was so damaging that the Department of Homeland Security and FBI Cyber Unit issued high priority alerts. It was the kind of attack that IT providers dread...and it quickly revealed who among them was prepared and who was not.

A Data Breach Is Inevitable - How Will You Respond?

There is no organization on the face of the earth, regardless of how sophisticated its security defenses may be, that is immune to a data breach

5 Reasons to Upgrade to a Next-Generation Firewall

Given that time and budgets are always limited, organizations are often reluctant to upgrade IT infrastructure that seems to be working just fine. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. But the fact that something appears to be working isn’t enough in today’s cyber threat climate.

The 3 Cyberattack Vectors No Company Should Ignore

There’s no way to guard against every cybersecurity threat. Some of the largest enterprises in the world, with skilled IT teams and large budgets, have fallen victim to massive security breaches. There are simply too many devices and applications to protect, with new threats emerging every single day.

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